Design Patterns

Here are some of the best practices we are using in RadGrad.

Use exported constants instead of Strings

An example of this is in RadGrad2's redux directory. Each type is an exported constant.

// redux/student/degree-planner/types.ts
export const SELECT_COURSE = 'radgrad/student/degree-planner/SELECT_COURSE';
export const SELECT_COURSE_INSTANCE = 'radgrad/student/degree-planner/SELECT_COURSE_INSTANCE';
// redux/student/degree-planner/actions.ts
import * as TYPES from './types';
export const selectCourse = (courseID) => ({
payload: courseID,
export const selectCourseInstance = (courseInstanceID) => ({
payload: courseInstanceID,
// redux/student/degree-planner/reducers.ts
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import * as TYPES from './types';
const initialState = {
depInspector: {
selectedCourseID: '',
selectedCourseInstanceID: '',
selectedOpportunityID: '',
selectedOpportunityInstanceID: '',
depTab: {
function inspectorReducer(state: any = initialState, action) {
// console.log('inspectorReducer', action, state);
const depInspector = state.depInspector;
switch (action.type) {
return {
depInspector: {
selectedCourseID: action.payload,
selectedCourseInstanceID: '',
selectedOpportunityID: '',
selectedOpportunityInstanceID: '',
// console.log('select ci ', action);
return {
depInspector: {
selectedCourseID: '',
selectedCourseInstanceID: action.payload,
selectedOpportunityID: '',
selectedOpportunityInstanceID: '',

We are using the exported types instead of strings to ensure there are no typo errors.

Publications and Subscriptions

The BaseCollection defines default publish and subscribe methods.

* Default publication method for entities.
* It publishes the entire collection.
public publish() {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish(this.collectionName, () => this.collection.find());
* Default subscription method for entities.
* It subscribes to the entire collection.
public subscribe(userID = undefined) {
if (Meteor.isClient) {
return Meteor.subscribe(this.collectionName, userID);
return null;

We publish and subscribe to the entire collection. In the subscribe method we return the handle to the subscription, so the client can wait till the subscription is ready. We use the optional userID parameter to support filtered collections such as the CourseInstanceCollection:

* Depending on the logged in user publish only their CourseInstances. If
* the user is in the Role.ADMIN then publish all CourseInstances.
public publish() {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
const instance = this;
Meteor.publish(this.collectionName, function filterStudentID(studentID) {
if (_.isNil(studentID)) {
return this.ready();
const profile = Users.getProfile(studentID);
if (profile.role === ROLE.ADMIN || Meteor.isAppTest) {
return instance.collection.find();
return instance.collection.find({ studentID, retired: { $not: { $eq: true } } });
Meteor.publish(this.publicationNames.scoreboard, function publishCourseScoreboard() {
ReactiveAggregate(this, instance.collection, [
$addFields: { courseTerm: { $concat: ['$courseID', ' ', '$termID'] } },
$group: {
_id: '$courseTerm',
count: { $sum: 1 },
{ $project: { count: 1, termID: 1, courseID: 1 } },
], { clientCollection: CourseScoreboardName });

When the client subscribes to the CourseInstanceCollection they can supply the userID to only get the Course Instances for that user.

handles.push(instanceSubs.subscribe(CourseInstances.getCollectionName(), userID));

If a client wants to subscribe to the Course Scoreboard, they use
