import _ from 'lodash';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Segment, Header, Form, Button } from 'semantic-ui-react';
import { AutoForm, TextField, LongTextField, BoolField, NumField, ErrorsField } from 'uniforms-semantic';
import { SimpleSchema2Bridge } from 'uniforms-bridge-simple-schema-2';
import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
import { $ } from 'meteor/jquery';
import Markdown from 'react-markdown';
import RadGradAlert from '../../utilities/RadGradAlert';
import { AcademicTerms } from '../../../api/academic-term/AcademicTermCollection';
import { Courses } from '../../../api/course/CourseCollection';
import { CourseInstances } from '../../../api/course/CourseInstanceCollection';
import { Opportunities } from '../../../api/opportunity/OpportunityCollection';
import { OpportunityInstances } from '../../../api/opportunity/OpportunityInstanceCollection';
import { Reviews } from '../../../api/review/ReviewCollection';
import { Slugs } from '../../../api/slug/SlugCollection';
import { Users } from '../../../api/user/UserCollection';
import { CourseInstance, Opportunity, OpportunityInstance, StudentProfile } from '../../../typings/radgrad';
import { COLORS } from '../../utilities/Colors';
import { useStickyState } from '../../utilities/StickyState';
import { StudentProfiles } from '../../../api/user/StudentProfileCollection';
import { sendEmailMethod } from '../../../api/email/Email.methods';
import { RadGradProperties } from '../../../api/radgrad/RadGradProperties';
import { PAGEIDS } from '../../utilities/PageIDs';
import PageLayout from '../PageLayout';
* Schema for the form that controls sending email.
interface Html {
header?: string;
info?: string;
interface EmailData {
to: string | string[];
bcc: string | string[];
from: string;
replyTo: string | string[];
subject: string;
templateData: {
adminMessage: any;
firstName: string;
firstRec: Html | string;
secondRec: Html | string;
thirdRec: Html | string;
filename: string;
const schema = new SimpleSchema({
inputMessage: String,
bcc: { type: String, optional: true },
subjectLine: String,
studentEmails: { type: String, optional: true, label: 'Student Emails' },
level: {
type: SimpleSchema.Integer,
allowedValues: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
optional: true,
label: 'Generate and send newsletters to students of the specified level',
sendToStudentsToo: { type: Boolean, optional: true },
sendToLevels: { type: Boolean, optional: true, label: 'Check to confirm send' },
sendToAll: { type: Boolean, optional: true, label: 'Check to confirm send' },
const formSchema = new SimpleSchema2Bridge(schema);
const iceMap = {
i: {
name: 'Innovation', color: COLORS.GREEN,
low: 'You are lacking in Innovation! Consider adding some research opportunities or other' +
' innovation-related activities to strengthen this area.',
med: 'You are showing growth in Innovation. Consider adding some research opportunities or other' +
' innovation-related activities to strengthen this area.',
high: 'You are close to achieving 100 points in Innovation! Add a few more innovation-related opportunities' +
' to top this area off.',
c: {
name: 'Competency', color: COLORS.NAVY,
low: 'You are lacking in Competency. Go to your Degree Planner and flesh out your academic plan by adding' +
' more courses to strengthen this area.',
med: 'You are showing some Competency in your degree plan. Go to your Degree Planner and flesh out your' +
' academic plan by adding more courses.',
high: 'You are showing great Competency! Add a few more courses to get to 100 points.',
e: {
name: 'Experience', color: COLORS.PURPLE,
low: 'You are lacking in Experience! Add some profession-related opportunities to show' +
' that you are ready to work in a professional environment.',
med: 'You have some professional development in your degree plan. To increase your Experience points' +
' and show that you are ready to work in a professional environment, add some profession-related' +
' opportunities.',
high: 'You are showing a great amount of Experience in your degree plan! Add a few more' +
' profession-related opportunities to top this area off and reach 100 Experience points!',
const levelMap = {
1: 'You are currently level 1. To get to level 2, finish your first semester of ICS' +
' coursework and then go see your advisor to confirm the completion of your courses and pick up' +
' a new laptop sticker!',
2: 'You are currently level 2. To get to the next level, complete your second semester of ICS' +
' coursework, though that alone may not be enough! Venture out and complete some opportunities, get them' +
' verified by your advisor, and then you may find yourself at the next level.',
3: 'Now that you are well into your academic career, it\'s time to plan further' +
' ahead. Complete your degree plan by adding enough courses and opportunities to reach 100 myICE points. Finish' +
' a bit more coursework and get a few more verified opportunities, and you\'ll get to level 4! Don\'t forget' +
' to update your RadGrad profile too... That new sticker depends on it.',
4: 'At level 4, you have not only shown great competency through your coursework, but you have also shown' +
' innovation and experience through your opportunities. Continue with your curriculum, focus on verifying even' +
' more opportunities, and help your peers out by leaving reviews for courses and opportunities' +
' that you have completed. By doing so, you may find yourself at a rare level.',
5: 'You are a veteran in the ICS community. The finish line is in sight, at least for your undergraduate career.' +
' But don\'t slow down! Take part in more opportunities to really show that you are ready for a professional life' +
' after college, and don\'t forget to leave more reviews to help guide your peers to the next level. There is a' +
' possibility that at the end of all this, you will achieve the rarest RadGrad honor.',
6: 'You have reached the level of ICS elites. At level 6, you have shown that there is little holding you back' +
' from a successful future in computer science, whether it\'s joining the workforce or entering Graduate School.' +
' Congratulations on your journey! If you have not already done so, pick up your new RadGrad sticker and show it' +
' off proudly!',
const iceRecHelper = (student: StudentProfile, value, component): string => {
let html = '';
if (value >= 100) {
html += `Congratulations! You have achieved 100 ${iceMap[component].name} points!`;
return html;
if (value < 30) {
html += iceMap[component].low;
} else if (value < 60) {
html += iceMap[component].med;
} else {
html += iceMap[component].high;
const studentInterests = Users.getInterestIDs(student.userID);
if (component === 'c') {
if (studentInterests.length === 0) {
html += ' <em><a href="">' +
' Add some interests so we can provide course recommendations!</a></em>';
return html;
const relevantCourses = Courses.find().fetch().filter((course) => _.some(course.interestIDs, interest => (studentInterests.includes(interest))));
const currentCourses = CourseInstances.find({ studentID: student.userID }).fetch().map((ci) => ci.courseID);
const recommendedCourses = relevantCourses.filter(course => !(currentCourses.includes(course._id)));
if (recommendedCourses.length === 0) {
html += '<em><a href="">' +
' Add more interests so we can provide course recommendations!</a></em>';
return html;
const recCourse = recommendedCourses[0];
html += ' Check out';
html += '<a style={{color:COLORS.GREEN; font-weight: bold}}' +
` href="${student.username}` +
`/explorer/courses/${Courses.findSlugByID(recCourse._id)}"> ${recCourse.shortName}</a>`;
} else {
if (studentInterests.length === 0) {
html += ' <em><a href="">' +
' Add some Interests to your profile so we can provide opportunity recommendations!</a></em>';
return html;
const opps = Opportunities.find().fetch().filter((opp) =>[component] > 0);
const relevantOpps = opps.filter((opp) => _.some(opp.interestIDs, interest => (studentInterests.includes(interest))));
if (relevantOpps.length === 0) {
return ' <em><a href="">' +
' Add more Interests to your profile so we can provide opportunity recommendations!</a></em>';
const currentOpps = OpportunityInstances.find({ studentID: student.userID }).fetch().map((oi) => oi.opportunityID);
const recommendedOpps = relevantOpps.filter(opp => currentOpps.includes(opp._id));
let recOpp;
if (recommendedOpps.length === 0) {
recOpp = relevantOpps[0];
} else {
recOpp = recommendedOpps[0];
html += ' Check out';
html += '<a style="color: #6FBE44; font-weight: bold;"' +
` href="${student.username}` +
`/explorer/opportunities/${Opportunities.findSlugByID(recOpp._id)}"> ${}</a>`;
return html;
const iceRecommendation = (student: StudentProfile): Html | string => {
const ice = StudentProfiles.getProjectedICE(student.username);
if (ice.i >= 100 && ice.c >= 100 && ice.e >= 100) {
return '';
const html: Html = {};
html.header = 'Finish Your Degree Plan'; = '<p>To achieve a complete degree plan, obtain 100 points in each myICE component!</p>';
// CAM ice is an object.
_.each(ice, (value, component) => {
let iceLevel;
if (value < 30) {
iceLevel = '<span style={COLORS.RED}><strong>NEEDS WORK</strong></span>';
} else if (value < 60) {
iceLevel = '<span style={COLORS.ORANGE}><strong>NEEDS WORK</strong></span>';
} else {
iceLevel = '<span style={COLORS.GREEN}><strong>GOOD</strong></span>';
} += `<p><span style="color: ${iceMap[component].color}">${iceMap[component].name} (${value} points)</span>
: ${iceLevel}</p>`; += `<ul><li>${iceRecHelper(student, value, component)}</li></ul>`;
return html;
const verifyOppRecommendation = (student: StudentProfile): Html | string => {
const unverifiedOpps: OpportunityInstance[] = OpportunityInstances.find({
studentID: student.userID,
verified: false,
const currentUnverifiedOpps = unverifiedOpps.filter((unverifiedOpp) => {
const { termID } = unverifiedOpp;
const { termNumber } = AcademicTerms.findOne({ _id: termID });
return termNumber <= AcademicTerms.getCurrentAcademicTermDoc().termNumber;
if (currentUnverifiedOpps.length === 0) {
return '';
const html: Html = {};
html.header = 'Verify Your Opportunities'; = '<p>You have unverified opportunities. To verify them, visit your RadGrad Degree Planner and'
+ ' click on the opportunity with the red question mark.'
+ ' <img src='
+ '"" width="100" alt="degree-planner-unverified-opportunity.png"> '
+ 'Select the opportunity you want to verify in your planner'
+ ' and it should be displayed in the Details tab, along with an option at the bottom to request verification.'
+ ' You must supply a brief explanation of how you participated. There may be additional requirements in addition '
+ 'to requesting the verification. Here is a list of'
+ ' past or current opportunities that you have not yet verified:</p>'; += '<ul>';
currentUnverifiedOpps.forEach((unverifiedOpp) => {
const { termID } = unverifiedOpp;
const termName = AcademicTerms.toString(termID, false);
const opp: Opportunity = Opportunities.findOne({ _id: unverifiedOpp.opportunityID });
const oppSlug = Slugs.getNameFromID(opp.slugID); += '<li><a style={{color:COLORS.GREEN; font-weight: bold}}'
+ ` href="${student.username}`
+ `/explorer/opportunities/${oppSlug}">${} (${termName})</a></li>`;
}); += '</ul>';
return html;
const levelRecommendation = (student: StudentProfile): Html | string => {
if (student.level > 5) {
return '';
const html: Html = {};
html.header = 'Level Up and Upgrade Your RadGrad Sticker'; = '<img src='
+ `"${student.level}-icon.png"`
+ ' width="100" height="100" style="float: left; margin: 0 10px;" alt="radgrad level icon">'; += `<p style={{color: COLORS.GREEN}}><strong>Current Level: ${student.level}</strong></p>`; += '<p><em>Swing by your advisor\'s office or POST 307 to pick up a laptop sticker for'
+ ' your current level if you haven\'t already!</em></p>'; += `<p>${levelMap[student.level]}</p>`;
if (student.level < 6) { += '<p>View your <a style={{color:COLORS.GREEN; font-weight: bold}} '
+ `href="${student.username}/home/levels">Level Page</a>`
+ ' to view specific level requirements.</p>';
return html;
const reviewCourseRecommendation = (student: StudentProfile): Html | string => {
const courseInstances: CourseInstance[] = CourseInstances.find({
studentID: student.userID,
verified: true,
const completedCourses = => instance.courseID);
const nonReviewedCourses = completedCourses.filter((courseID) => !(Reviews.findOne({ studentID: student.userID, revieweeID: courseID })));
if (nonReviewedCourses.length === 0) {
return '';
let suggestedReviewCourses = [];
const remainingCourses = [];
nonReviewedCourses.forEach((courseID) => {
if (Reviews.findOne({ revieweeID: courseID }) === undefined) {
} else {
suggestedReviewCourses = suggestedReviewCourses.concat(remainingCourses);
const html: Html = {};
html.header = 'Review Courses You Have Completed'; = '<p>Contribute to the ICS community by providing reviews for courses you have completed.'
+ ' Here are some suggested courses to review:</p>'; += '<ul>';
suggestedReviewCourses.forEach((courseID, index) => {
if (index === 3) {
return false;
const courseSlug = Slugs.getNameFromID(Courses.findDoc(courseID).slugID);
const courseName = Courses.findDocBySlug(courseSlug).shortName; += '<li><a style={{color:COLORS.GREEN; font-weight: bold}}'
+ ` href="${student.username}`
+ `/explorer/courses/${courseSlug}">${courseName}</a></li>`;
return true;
}); += '</ul>';
return html;
const reviewOppRecommendation = (student: StudentProfile): Html | string => {
const completedOpps = OpportunityInstances.find({ studentID: student.userID, verified: true }).fetch().map((instance) => instance.opportunityID);
const nonReviewedOpps = completedOpps.filter((oppID) => !(Reviews.findOne({ studentID: student.userID, revieweeID: oppID })));
if (nonReviewedOpps.length === 0) {
return '';
let suggestedReviewOpps = [];
const remainingOpps = [];
nonReviewedOpps.forEach((oppID) => {
if (Reviews.findOne({ revieweeID: oppID }) === undefined) {
} else {
suggestedReviewOpps = suggestedReviewOpps.concat(remainingOpps);
suggestedReviewOpps = _.uniq(suggestedReviewOpps);
const html: Html = {};
html.header = 'Review Opportunities You Have Completed'; = '<p>Contribute to the ICS community by providing reviews for opportunities you have completed.'
+ ' Here are some suggested opportunities to review:</p>'; += '<ul>';
suggestedReviewOpps.forEach((oppID, index) => {
if (index === 3) {
return false;
const opportunity: Opportunity = Opportunities.findOne({ _id: oppID });
const oppSlug = Slugs.findDoc(opportunity.slugID).name;
const oppName = Opportunities.findDocBySlug(oppSlug).name; += '<li><a style={{color:COLORS.GREEN; font-weight: bold}}'
+ ` href="${student.username}`
+ `/explorer/opportunities/${oppSlug}">${oppName}</a></li>`;
return true;
}); += '</ul>';
return html;
const recList = [iceRecommendation, verifyOppRecommendation, levelRecommendation, reviewCourseRecommendation, reviewOppRecommendation];
const getRecList = (student: StudentProfile) => {
const suggestedRecs = [];
recList.forEach((func) => {
const html = func(student);
if (html) {
return suggestedRecs;
const getStudentEmailsByLevel = (level: number): string[] => {
const studentProfiles = StudentProfiles.find({ level, isAlumni: false }).fetch();
return => p.username);
const AdminAnalyticsNewsletterPage: React.FC = () => {
const [testNewsletterWorking, setTestNewsletterWorking] = useStickyState('Newsletter.test', false);
const [levelNewsletterWorking, setLevelNewsletterWorking] = useStickyState('Newsletter.level', false);
const [allNewsletterWorking, setAllNewsletterWorking] = useStickyState('Newsletter.all', false);
const [subjectLine, setSubjectLine] = useState<string>('');
const [bcc, setBcc] = useState<string>('');
const [inputMessage, setInputMessage] = useState<string>('');
const [onSubmitInputMessage, setOnSubmitInputMessage] = useState<string>('');
const [studentEmails, setStudentEmails] = useState<string>('');
const [sendToStudentsToo, setSendToStudentsToo] = useState<boolean>(false);
const [level, setLevel] = useState<number>(0);
const [sendToLevels, setSendToLevels] = useState<boolean>(false);
const [sendToAll, setSendToAll] = useState<boolean>(false);
const emailDelayMs = 500; // the delay between sending student emails in milliseconds.
/** Auto Forms */
// check on this
const handleChange = (name, value) => {
switch (name) {
case 'inputMessage':
case 'onSubmitInputMessage':
case 'bcc':
case 'subjectLine':
case 'studentEmails':
case 'sendToStudentsToo':
case 'level':
setLevel(parseInt(value, 10));
case 'sendToLevels':
case 'sendToAll':
// do nothing
* Sets the Admin's message.
const onClickPreviewSave = () => {
* Sends test emails to the admin and optionally the student(s).
const onClickSendStudentsToo = () => {
if (onSubmitInputMessage.length !== 0 && subjectLine.length !== 0) {
const studentEmailsArr = studentEmails.split(',');
const bccListArray = bcc.split(',').map((email) => email.trim());
const adminEmail = RadGradProperties.getAdminEmail();
const from = RadGradProperties.getNewsletterFrom();
const adminMessage = $('.adminMessage').html();
studentEmailsArr.forEach((studentEmail) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const student = StudentProfiles.findByUsername(studentEmail);
if (student) {
const suggestedRecs = getRecList(student);
const sendList = [];
sendList.push(adminEmail); // always send to admin
if (sendToStudentsToo) {
const emailData: EmailData = {
to: sendList,
bcc: bccListArray,
from: from,
replyTo: RadGradProperties.getAdminEmail(),
subject: `Newsletter View For ${student.firstName} ${student.lastName}`,
templateData: {
firstName: student.firstName,
firstRec: suggestedRecs[0],
secondRec: suggestedRecs[1],
thirdRec: suggestedRecs[2],
filename: 'newsletter2.html',
};, (error) => {
if (error) {
console.error('Error sending email.', error);
}, emailDelayMs);
let numEmails = studentEmailsArr.length;
if (sendToStudentsToo) {
numEmails *= 2;
RadGradAlert.success('Emails Successfully Sent', `${numEmails} emails sent!`);
} else {
RadGradAlert.failure('Subject Line and Input Message Required', 'You forgot to fill out either the Subject Line and/or the Input Message for the Emails!');
const onClickSendLevels = () => {
if (onSubmitInputMessage.length !== 0 && subjectLine.length !== 0 && level !== 0) {
const studentEmailsArr = getStudentEmailsByLevel(level);
const bccListArray = bcc.split(',').map((email) => email.trim());
const from = RadGradProperties.getNewsletterFrom();
const adminMessage = $('.adminMessage').html();
studentEmailsArr.forEach((studentEmail) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const student = StudentProfiles.findByUsername(studentEmail);
if (student) {
const suggestedRecs = getRecList(student);
const emailData: EmailData = {
to: studentEmail,
bcc: bccListArray,
from: from,
replyTo: RadGradProperties.getAdminEmail(),
subject: subjectLine,
templateData: {
firstName: student.firstName,
firstRec: suggestedRecs[0],
secondRec: suggestedRecs[1],
thirdRec: suggestedRecs[2],
filename: 'newsletter2.html',
};, (error) => {
if (error) {
console.error('Error sending email.', error);
}, emailDelayMs);
RadGradAlert.success('Emails Successfully Sent', `${studentEmailsArr.length} emails sent!`);
} else {
RadGradAlert.failure('Subject Line and Input Message Required', 'You forgot to fill out either the Subject Line and/or the Input Message for the Emails!');
const onClickSendToAll = () => {
if (onSubmitInputMessage.length !== 0 && subjectLine.length !== 0) {
const profiles = StudentProfiles.find({ isAlumni: false }).fetch();
const studentEmailsArr = => p.username);
const bccListArray = bcc.split(',').map((email) => email.trim());
const from = RadGradProperties.getNewsletterFrom();
const adminMessage = $('.adminMessage').html();
studentEmailsArr.forEach((studentEmail) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const student = StudentProfiles.findByUsername(studentEmail);
if (student) {
const suggestedRecs = getRecList(student);
const emailData: EmailData = {
to: studentEmail,
bcc: bccListArray,
from: from,
replyTo: RadGradProperties.getAdminEmail(),
subject: subjectLine,
templateData: {
firstName: student.firstName,
firstRec: suggestedRecs[0],
secondRec: suggestedRecs[1],
thirdRec: suggestedRecs[2],
filename: 'newsletter2.html',
};, (error) => {
if (error) {
console.error('Error sending email.', error);
}, emailDelayMs);
RadGradAlert.success('Emails Successfully Sent', `${studentEmailsArr.length} emails sent!`);
} else {
RadGradAlert.success('Subject Line and Input Message Required', 'You forgot to fill out either the Subject Line and/or the Input Message for the Emails!');
return (
<PageLayout id={PAGEIDS.ANALYTICS_NEWSLETTER} headerPaneTitle="Newsletter">
<Segment padded>
<Header dividing as="h4">
<AutoForm schema={formSchema} onChange={handleChange}>
<TextField name="subjectLine" />
<TextField name="bcc" />
<Form.Group widths="equal">
<LongTextField name="inputMessage" />
<div className="field">
{/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control */}
<label htmlFor="example">Message Preview</label>
<input type="hidden" id="example" />
<p>Aloha Student</p>
<div className="adminMessage">
<Markdown source={onSubmitInputMessage} />
<p>- The RadGrad Team</p>
<Button color="green" basic onClick={onClickPreviewSave}>
Preview And Save
<Header as="h4" dividing>
<TextField name="studentEmails" />
<BoolField name="sendToStudentsToo" />
<Button basic color="green" loading={testNewsletterWorking} onClick={onClickSendStudentsToo}>
Send To Admin
<NumField name="level" placeholder="level" />
<BoolField name="sendToLevels" />
<Button disabled={!sendToLevels} loading={levelNewsletterWorking} onClick={onClickSendLevels}>
Send To Students
<Form.Field label="Generate To Send To All Users" />
<BoolField name="sendToAll" />
<Button disabled={!sendToAll} loading={allNewsletterWorking} onClick={onClickSendToAll}>
Send To All
<ErrorsField />
export default AdminAnalyticsNewsletterPage;