

import _ from 'lodash';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
import { Slugs } from '../slug/SlugCollection';
import BaseCollection from './BaseCollection';

 * BaseType is an abstract superclass that factors out common code for the "type" entities: OpportunityType and TagType.
 * @memberOf api/base
 * @extends api/base.BaseCollection
class BaseTypeCollection extends BaseCollection {

   * Creates the BaseType collection.
  constructor(collectionType) {
    super(collectionType, new SimpleSchema({
      description: { type: String },
      name: { type: String },
      slugID: { type: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id },
      retired: { type: Boolean, optional: true },
    this.defineSchema = new SimpleSchema({
      name: String,
      slug: String,
      description: String,
      retired: { type: Boolean, optional: true },
    this.updateSchema = new SimpleSchema({
      name: { type: String, optional: true },
      description: { type: String, optional: true },
      retired: { type: Boolean, optional: true },

   * Defines a new BaseType with its name, slug, and description.
   * @param { Object } description Object with keys name, slug, and description.
   * Slug must be globally unique and previously undefined.
   * @throws { Meteor.Error } If the slug already exists.
   * @returns The newly created docID.
  public define({ name, slug, description, retired }) {
    const slugID = Slugs.define({ name: slug, entityName: this.type });
    const baseTypeID = this.collection.insert({ name, description, slugID, retired });
    Slugs.updateEntityID(slugID, baseTypeID);
    return baseTypeID;

   * Returns the docID associated with instance, or throws an error if it cannot be found.
   * If instance is a docID, then it is returned unchanged. If instance is a slug, its corresponding docID is returned.
   * If instance is an object with an _id field, then that value is checked to see if it's in the collection.
   * @param { String } instance Either a valid docID or a valid slug string.
   * @returns { String } The docID associated with instance.
   * @throws { Meteor.Error } If instance is not a docID or a slug.
  public getID(instance: { _id?: string } | string) {
    let id;
    if (_.isObject(instance) && _.has(instance, '_id')) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign, dot-notation
      instance = instance._id;
    try {
      id = (this.collection.findOne({ _id: instance })) ? instance : this.findIdBySlug(instance);
    } catch (err) {
      throw new Meteor.Error(`Error in ${this.collectionName} getID(): Failed to convert ${instance} to an ID.`);
    return id;

   * Returns the docIDs associated with instances, or throws an error if any cannot be found.
   * If an instance is a docID, then it is returned unchanged. If a slug, its corresponding docID is returned.
   * @param { String[] } instances An array of valid docIDs, slugs, or a combination.
   * @returns { String[] } The docIDs associated with instances.
   * @throws { Meteor.Error } If any instance is not a docID or a slug.
  public getIDs(instances) {
    let ids;
    try {
      ids = (instances) ? => this.getID(instance)) : [];
    } catch (err) {
      throw new Meteor.Error(`Error in getIDs(): Failed to convert one of ${instances} to an ID.`);
    return ids;

   * Removes the passed instance from its collection.
   * Also removes the associated Slug.
   * Note that prior to calling this method, the subclass should do additional checks to see if any dependent
   * objects have been deleted.
   * @param { String } instance A docID or slug representing the instance.
   * @throws { Meteor.Error} If the instance (and its associated slug) cannot be found.
  public removeIt(instance) {
    const docID = this.getID(instance);
    const doc: {
      slugID: string,
    } = super.findDoc(docID);
    if (Slugs.isDefined(doc.slugID)) {
    return super.removeIt(doc);

   * Return true if instance is a docID or a slug for this entity.
   * @param { String } instance A docID or a slug.
   * @returns {boolean} True if instance is a docID or slug for this entity.
  public isDefined(instance) {
    return (super.isDefined(instance) || this.hasSlug(instance));

   * Returns true if the passed slug is associated with an entity of this type.
   * @param { String } slug Either the name of a slug or a slugID.
   * @returns {boolean} True if the slug is in this collection.
  public hasSlug(slug) {
    return (!!(this.collection.findOne({ slug })) || Slugs.isSlugForEntity(slug, this.type));

   * Returns the document associated with the passed slug.
   * @param { String } slug The slug (string or docID).
   * @returns { Object } The document.
   * @throws { Meteor.Error } If the slug cannot be found, or is not associated with an
   * instance in this collection.
  public findDocBySlug(slug) {
    const id = Slugs.getEntityID(slug, this.type);
    return this.collection.findOne(id);

   * Returns the slug name associated with this docID.
   * @param docID The docID
   * @returns { String } The slug name
   * @throws { Meteor.Error } If docID is not associated with this entity.
  public findSlugByID(docID) {
    return Slugs.findDoc(this.findDoc(docID).slugID).name;

   * Return the docID of the instance associated with this slug.
   * @param { String } slug The slug (string or docID).
   * @returns { String } The docID.
   * @throws { Meteor.Error } If the slug cannot be found, or is not associated with an instance in this collection.
  public findIdBySlug(slug) {
    return Slugs.getEntityID(slug, this.type);

   * Returns the name associated with this docID.
   * @param docID The docID for this "type".
   * @returns The name of this "type" instance.
   * @throws { Meteor.Error } If the passed docID is not valid.
  public getNameFromID(docID) {
    return this.findDoc(docID).name;

   * Returns an array of strings, each one representing an integrity problem with this collection.
   * Returns an empty array if no problems were found.
   * Checks slugID.
   * This is the default integrity checker for all BaseTypeCollection subclasses.
   * @returns {Array} A (possibly empty) array of strings indicating integrity issues.
  public checkIntegrity() {
    const problems = [];
    this.find({}, {}).forEach((doc) => {
      if (!Slugs.isDefined(doc.slugID)) {
        problems.push(`Bad slugID: ${doc.slugID}`);
    return problems;

   * Returns an object representing the "Type" docID in a format acceptable to define().
   * @param docID The docID of a "Type".
   * @returns { Object } An object representing the definition of docID.
  public dumpOne(docID) {
    const doc = this.findDoc(docID);
    const name =;
    const slug = Slugs.getNameFromID(doc.slugID);
    const description = doc.description;
    const retired = doc.retired;
    return { name, slug, description, retired };

 * Provide this class for use by OpportunityType and TagType.
export default BaseTypeCollection;